Q: I’m on the board of a condominium association, and we want to place limitations on how long guests can part their cars in visitor spots. Can we do that? Are there any city or county laws that we have to follow? Thank you for your advice.
-M.N., Boca Raton
A: If your association’s governing documents gives the board the right to make rules governing the association’s common elements, the answer is yes. With regard to any city or county laws that you have to follow, depending on the status of the parking spaces (such as if any of the spaces are handicapped spaces), you will have to follow the applicable city or county laws (or state or federal laws, if applicable). We recommend that you consult with a Florida licensed attorney, so they can review your governing documents and the applicable laws to determine what rules the board can make regarding the visitor spots.
Avi S. Tryson, Esq., is Partner of the Law Firm Goede, DeBoest & Cross. Ask questions about your issues for future columns, send your inquiry to: question@gadclaw.com. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The publication of this article does not create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and Goede, DeBoest & Cross, or any of our attorneys. Readers should not act or refrain from acting based upon the information contained in this article without first contacting an attorney, if you have questions about any of the issues raised herein. The hiring of an attorney is a decision that should not be based solely on advertisements or this column.