Certification Courses, Seminars & Meetings, Events

SWFL Condo/HOA Board Certification Classes Courses Begin December 12, 2018


Goede, DeBoest & Cross, PLLC will host and present a number of complimentary Board Certification Classes. The certification class is 2 hours long and designed for newly elected or newly appointed directors who need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected or for current Board members who are looking for a refresher. Along with a Certificate of Completion for your official records, those in attendance will be able to ask questions and receive information relevant to their fiduciary duties and community operations.

Courses will be held in Naples and Bonita Springs.

  • Seating is limited and registration is required.
  • A complimentary continental breakfast buffet is included.
  • Certificate of Completion will be presented after the class.
  • You do not need to be a client of the Firm to attend.

You are encouraged to attend and invite your fellow Board Members and friends who are simply interested in learning more about Florida community association law.

[nectar_btn size=”large” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-hoacondo-board-certification-classes-naples-tickets-51651869131″ text=”Register For Naples Courses”]
[nectar_btn size=”large” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-hoacondo-board-certification-classes-bonita-springs-tickets-51655159974″ text=”Register For Bonita Springs Courses”]